offer closes at Midnight on April 18th


Choosing a multi fuel stove: I got chatting to my next door neighbour yesterday morning on my way out to work. We share an early Victorian terrace in North London. High ceilings, big leaky windows. A real struggle to keep warm in the Winter which is where a multi-fuel stove will come in handy.

Choosing a Chesneys Multi fuel stove

She has one of the old gas coal effect fires in her period marble and cast iron fireplace in the living room. She loves the gas fire as it brings the room to life but it has none of the modern safety features the newer models have. Despite looking great, it really doesn’t provide enough warmth. She had the chimney sweep in recently for the annual clean and was dismayed to learn that the 150 year old brickwork flue leaks fumes from her gas fire into the room above. This means it needs to be lined and considerable extra expense.

So I suggested now’s the time to change to a wood burning stove. One of our 4KW stoves would keep the room really warm. They look great. They’re safe, very easy to operate and legal to use in a smokeless zone. Environmentally friendly too as they’re really efficient. But most of all great fun. So we’ll see what she decides. I’m hoping she’ll fit the stove and I’ll get to enjoy the extra warmth coming through the wall from next door!

Author: John Norman – Showroom Manager



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